Tinyman 2004  

The next thing Tinyman knew, it was the reception. He couldn't remember what happened after he rose his fist. Did he receive thunderous applause... or laughter... or stifled yawns and a weak cough..?

A caterer is passing around a tray of broiled quail, tiny burnt things with their legs folded over their breasts. Werd is wearing a tuxedo and coming in and out of phase. His martini glass was shaped like a sickle.

Sunset snail, Werd slithers out to the lounge leaving a slick of slime from beneath the tails of his tuxedo. Werd clasping his hands in simulated victory for the flashbulbs his face stoic smiling inwardly wondering what has become of the country, or whether it was ever any different. Most legislators would appear to have been in the pockets of bigger interests. Werd was a sockpuppet in a pocket, a legislator on a stick with the perfectly liberal voting record.

He did not, however, vote that the WTO was illegal.
