Spineless Books

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Spineless Books Online Literature

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11,112,006,825,558,016 Sonnets 11, 112, 006, 825, 558, 016 Sonnets William Gillespie & William Shakespeare 11, 112, 006, 825, 558, 016 Sonnets 1999 After Queneau's CGI Dynamic
20 Consonant Poetry. 20-Consonant Poetry You A form of serial poetry, based on 12-tone music 1993-? Has to happen

Poetry + Art


Jade Quill
Letter to Linus Letter to Linus William Gillespie A hypercube 2001   HTML  
Eclectic Seizure ECLECTIC SEIZURE            
Literature Laboratory   Literature Laboratory     HTML /litlab Writing experiments you can attempt
The McCaffery Collection, by Larry. McCaffery Archive Larry McCaffery Avant-Criticism Canonical, baby, timeless Old school HTML Borrego
  Oblique Strategies Brian Eno Artistic prompts ?   CGI Compose
Table of Forms Table of Forms William Gillespie A collection of literary forms 1996- Blue paperback and hardback HTML Write
The Unknown: an Anthology Authors Unknown The red herring of the award-winning hypertext novel 1998-2002 A book of poetry & fiction The Great American Hypertext Novel Many readers got to drink with the writers around the turn of the millennium
Newspoetry. Newspoetry


William Gillespie writing for Associated Poets (AP)

Poetry about events in the news 1996-2005     www. newspoetry .com Write it



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