Table of Forms—Grammatic Poetics

Attempting to write perfect sentences with a typographic or phonetic constraint can be a good measure of that constraint's difficulty, as well as the particular effect it has on the language. For example, it is more difficult to write a perfect sentence in which every word has seven letters than it is to write a perfect sentence without the letter "E."

Writing a grammatically constrained poem can involve choosing preexisting rules and, to a conspicuous extreme, following, bending, or breaking them.

Passive Voice: a poem written entirely in the passive voice.

Conjecture and Proposition: a poem in which every line is a sentence that begins with a conjunction and ends with a preposition.

Is Alright Everything Here?: a poem that reverses grammatic subject and object, reverses chronology, causality, and is written in a single sentence.

Dear And,: a poem written overusing parallel construction.

[nerbs]: an explanation of nerbs written using nerbs.

Talked at by a Dad: a poem in which every sentence contains a nerb, each of which, in the course of the poem, will be used both as a noun and a verb.

  Table of Forms
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Dominique Fitzpatrick-O'Dinn
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