Los Poetas y el General


LOM Ediciones, 2002. 492 p. Texto en español e ingles.
Edited by Eva Goldschmidt Wyman. ISBN: 956-282-491-8.

Los Poetas y el General is a collection of poetry by Chilean poets living under Pinochet. The book was edited by Eva Wyman, and was published in 2002 by LOM in simultaneous translation in Spanish and English. By way of promoting the book in North America, we are reproducing here some of the poems in the book, as well as one—Victor Jara —that did not make it into the anthology. We do not have copies for sale, but they are available elsewhere.

Los Poetas y el General

Voces de oposición en Chile bajo Augusto Pinochet 1973-1989

The Poets and the General

Chile's Voices of Dissent under Augusto Pinochet 1973-1989

Poetry in Spanish
English Translations
Fernando Alegría
Victor Jara Victor Jara
Oscar Hahn
A una lavandera de Santiago To a Santiago Laundrywoman



El  Poeta  Asesinado The Assassinated Poet

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