ammit, Rettberg, youre telling
it all wrong. Those were crazy days and your memory isnt what it used
to be. Of course you dont know that because you dont remember when
had a memory. Would you listen to me for a second? Im eighty-one but I
aint dead and my minds as clear as a fucking bell, you toothless
My mind is like a mountain pond on a windless day. And I dont need no
fucking Viagra. Theres plenty of love here at the
retirement community.
Women and men, were all well-rested, medicated, mature, and very
But I digress, dont have a fucking heart attack, okay pal? Jiminy. Anyhow,
what I want people to remember is the eighties. Thats right, the nineteen
eighties. When you had your
B. Dalton and your Waldenbooks, and that was it. Reagan, you wanna
talk about a senile bastard, that motherfucker, dont get me started. I
tell you, Im eighty, but I lived seventy of those years back in 1999.
The nineties. Fucking nineties. We lost Bukowski, Zappa, Leary, Rubin,
Ginsberg, Burroughs, and Hunter S. Thompson, that loony bastard, died in
that motorcycle crash. So there we were with no literature anymore. And
what we did was to just put our asses out there and say: Look at the state
were in, is this the best we can do, America? Can we get some more writers,
please? And they loved us. Or so we thought. Rettberg?
Rettberg? Wake up, you insulin-shooting skeleton, these long-distance calls cost
than Depends. Wake up! Scott.
. . . ?