D: Yeah. Which means thatmaybe that in part
explains both Prescott, and Arizonas, conservative natures, because
people from conservative cities like Cincinnati move to areas like Arizona,
may have been unsullied. Who knows? Maybe Prescott was a pure and open
place and then it just became Arizona conservative-like because all
foreigners, these out-of-staters,
these retirees, came, and of course, as people get older, and their
rise, their politics seem to shift to the right in proportion, the old
saying that a liberal is a conservative whos been mugged, or something
like that, ahm, who knows?
S: If youre not a liberal in your twenties, you dont have a heart,
if youre not a conservative by your forties, you dont have a brain.
The old saying.
D: Thats another good old saying, yeah. Well, Im happy
to say that I dont have no brains at all, having reached that
milestone, and yet, having not given up some of the liberal fantasies
that would get
me a lot of bad ink in certain places.
S: Yeah, sometimes I sort of wish I was a Republican, because their
lives seem so much easier, ah
[Dirk laughs.]
S: So free of guilt, you know? Theres things, I think, that as
a conservative Republican, you can truly believe in, that, as liberal
intellectuals, we dont have that privilege any more.
D: Do you have an example?
S: Yeah, like, ah, business school.
D: Oh, belief in business?
S: Yeah. Like, you can believe, as a conservative, you can believe
that, by going to your 9-to-5 job, uhm, growing the economy, ah, downsizing
corporations, ah, making, you know, ten times the average salary of an
American, that you are actually doing a good thing. That its
actually likeNot that youre not doing a bad thing, even,
but that youre doing
what youre meant to do in life, youre progressing, youre,
ah, making the world a better place, by gathering material belongings.
D: By giving yourself over to the invisible hand that controls
the market system, you are doing a form of obedience that is proper, and
maybe even ordained by God, if you follow the reasoning of
S: Calvin?
D: Some ah
S: Well, yeah, pretty much the establishment
D: the Pat Robertsons that pretty much are firmly in the
back pocket of big corporate [We pull up next to a big billboard
for La Rosas Pizza,
a local restaurant chain.]there it is, see theres that
stupid, Its
good here.
S: Its good here in Cincinnati.
D: You know, but the funny thing about this ad campaign, Its
good here. Have you heard some of the radio spots for this, Scott? Probably
not, but
S: Yeah, I have. Right before I left, actually. Which made me wish
I was staying.
D: Well, I was describing this ad campaign to Cynthia, who had
not heard it, or seen the billboards, and during my first description,
I was under the mistaken impression that these Cincinnati backpatting
commercials were the product of some Chamber of Commerce, or like the
City Council, that were actually trying to convince us that Cincinnati
is a good place, as if they were losing their tax base or something, and
needed to convince people to stick around.
S: No, its just to convince people that the pizzas good here.
D: Exactly. But the thing is, is that those commercials, even that
billboard there, the corporate tie-in, the
business tie-in, is so muted, is so understated, that I had forgotten
entirely that it was just a regular old ad campaign by some company trying
to sell on our nostalgia heartstrings and make us feel good about them,
by feeling good about Cincinnati.
S: Well, I think in Cincinnati, youre meant to associate
living here with consuming certain products, and paying obeisance to
D: Which explains the survival of Skyline Chili.
S: Skyline Chili, La Rosas. You eat Skyline and La Rosas.
D: Id go to La Rosas over Skyline every time, lets face it.
La Rosas has food that you could eat.
S: If youre doing good in Cincinnati, you work for Procter
& Gamble, or you work for Chiquita, or you work for Kroger Brands.
D: And suck the dick of the Bengals, and the Reds, and then bend
over and say, Stadiumize me. Stadiumize me.
S: Yeah, well. A town likes a nice stadium.
. . .
It's Good Here
590K RealAudio Clip