"Write with nouns and verbs"—Strunk & White


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air water food love dirt worm root chute sprout stem trunk branch limb twig bud leaf flower nest bird air water food love dirt worm wing sky cloud sun tree ground grass flower scent air water food love dirt worm ocean dock box hook salt fish gill fin scale flash mouth throat stomach lung air water food love dirt worm


breathe drink eat kiss grow move climb unroll tack lift hammer saw build paint draw sketch arrange clean fix improve

"do" build make design learn observe listen hear see taste touch smell investigate study absorb prod fascinate interest attract exercise outercise intercize seduce glue tape juxtapose compose breathe drink eat kiss grow move extend flex relax sigh

write illustrate map depict invent create devise encode decode construct communicate anticommunicate stage perform invoke instigate inspire install think cogitate respond muse mope understand grasp get peruse react engage enjoin articulate experiment attempt fail try try


grammatic poetics

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© 1996-2006
Dominique Fitzpatrick-O'Dinn
Spineless Books