Federman’s masterful and economical
utilization of strange loops, mise-en-abime,
and other metafictionalist maneuvers will be received by readers versed
in writing of this type with a smile of familiarity and a nod of admiration.
Like Jorge Luis Borges and Italo Calvino, Federman has internalized this
type of writing to the point where the use of innovative and challenging
narrative techniques such as metalepsis and hypodiegesis never seems contrived. –Jeffrey R. di Leo
The Federman Collection
Poetry Federman demanded I publish immediatelyFears, by Jan Pettit Personal correspondence published here without permissionMcCaffery on Federman |
Federman Who writes the wires Alive out there typing The brain and the machine Let me put your latest piece about the British publishers on my website http://spinelessbooks.com/namredef Send me your novel Federman
You bird you angel you shit on my windshield you genius