[subtraction poetry]
for super credit the poet will begin with a paragraph either written
or taken from an outside source. the poet will then make a revision of
this paragraph by subtracting spaces, letters, and punctuation. the poet
will then make a new revision of this revision the same way. this should
result in at least three nested poems: the original paragraph containing
the letters of all subsequent ones.
of particular emphasis is making new words by subtracting the space
between and some of the letters of two old words.
article sing new words
by subtracting the space between and some of the
letters of told words. cling nor act pace band moth soft words.
grate soft words.
graft words.
In example 217 rishi talks to the school
janitor about his contradictions.
In example 17 stalks to the cool
janitor both contractions.
exam 7 sloth elations.
progressive poetry