Address: PO Box 916, Borrego Springs, CA 92004

Phone/fax: 760-767-5731 (h); 619-594-5443 (o)

Fax (via English Dept, San Diego State University): 619-594-4998


Kubasaki High School (Naha, Okinawa), 1960-64.

University of Notre Dame, 1964-68.  B.A. Degree.  Double major: English and Political Science.                                   

University of Illinois, 1968-75.  Ph.D. Degree.  Dissertation topic: "The Reliance of Man on Fiction-Making: A Study of the Works of Robert Coover."  Thesis supervisors: Prof. Edward Brandabur (director), Prof. Nina Baym, Prof. Daniel Majdiak


Professor, Department of English, San Diego State University, 1982-present

Courses taught include: Postmodernism, Contemporary American Fiction, 20th Century American Literature, The American Novel, 19th Century American Fiction,  Theory of the Novel, Science Fiction, Popular Culture (Rock Music, Genre Fiction, Television) and Postmodern American Culture, The Psychological Novel, Metafiction from Cerventes to Postmodernism, "Punk" Aesthetics (Sade, Baudelaire, Rimbaud, Bataille, Dada, Artaud, Burroughs, The Sex Pistols, Patti Smith, Kathy Acker), Cyberpunk, Postmodern Science Fiction, The History of the Novel, Latin American Fiction, Contemporary Fiction, 20th Century Innovative Writing, Dylan and Springsteen, Postmodernism, Post-Postmodernism, Modern American Fiction, Postmodern Rock Music, 20th Century Science Fiction.

Visiting Professor, Seikei University (Tokyo), Fall 1998

Courses taught: Postmodernism in Japan and the U.S., Contemporary California Literature and Culture, Avant-Pop

Visiting Professor, Deep Springs College, Spring 1998

Course taught: Postmodern Science Fiction

Fulbright Lecturer, Beijing Foreign Studies University, 1988-89

Courses taught: Graduate seminars in Postmodern American Fiction, 19th Century American Fiction, 20th Century Drama and Poetry, Contemporary American Fiction, 20th Century Critical Theory.  Undergraduate Survey: 20th Century American Literature.

Visiting Professor, University of California-San Diego, Spring 1988, 1991

Courses Taught:  (in 1988) "Punk" Art and the Aesthetics of Extremity (Sade to Night of the Living Dead );  Cyberpunk (Burroughs, Dick, Ballard, Pynchon, Survival Research Laboratories, Sterling, Sonic Youth, Acker); (in 1991) Postmodernism in the 1990s (Acker, Mark Leyner, Rap Music, DeLillo, Sonic Youth, Cyberpunk, John Zorn, Twin Peaks, Frederic Jameson, Madonna, Baudrillard).

Visiting Professor, Department of English, University of Nice, Spring 1984

Courses taught: graduate seminars in Metafiction,  Popular Fiction and Postmodernism: Kurt Vonnegut, Jr. and John Irving, Contemporary American Fiction

Associate Professor, Department of English and Comparative Literature, San Diego State University, 1979-82 (Granted early tenure and promotion to Associate Professor)

Assistant Professor, Department of English and Comparative Literature, San Diego State University, 1976-79

Lecturer, Department of English, University of Illinois, 1975

Teaching Assistant, Department of English, University of Teaching  Assistant, Department of English, University of Illinois, 1969-74


Board of Directors.  Electronic Literature Organization, 1999-present.

Editor, Black Ice Books, 1993-present.

Editor, American Book Review, 1991-present.

Editor, Fiction International , 1983-present.

Editor, Critique: Studies in Contemporary Fiction, 1985-present.

Member, National Book Circle Critics, 1995-present

Advisory Editor, Contemporary American Fiction Series, University of Pennsylvania Press, 1986-present

Consulting Editor, Modern Fiction Studies, 1991-present.

Editorial Board, San Diego State Univerity Press, 1990-present.

Associate Editor, Critique: Studies in Contemporary Fiction, 1982-1985.


Guest-of-honor, DEATH-EQUINOAX CONFERENCE, Denver, September 1999.

Guest-of-Honor, READERCON.  Boston, April 1996.

Pioneer Award, 1994 (Science Fiction Research Association's annual award for the most distinguished essay dealing with science fiction)--for "Towards the Theoretical Frontiers of 'Fiction': From Metafiction and Cyberpunk through 'Avant-Pop'" (with Takayuki Tatsumi) which was published in SF Eye.

National Endowment for the Humanities Research Award, Tokyo, Summer 1992.  Title of Research Project: Japanese and American Postmodernist Interactions

Guest of Honor at VOLGA-CON 91: A Conference of Cyberpunk and Recent Soviet Science Fiction, Volgograd, U.S.S.R., Sept. 1991.

Meritorious Performance and Professional Promise Award, San Diego State University, 1986, 1988, 1990

Pushcart Prize Nominee for Non-Fiction, 1984, 1985, 1990  

Selected as Fulbright Lecturer to P.R. China (Beijing Foreign Studies University), 1988-89.

Fiction Judge, The Los Angeles Times Book Award, 1986

San Diego State University Research Grants, 1980, 1982, 1986,

College of Arts & Letters Mini-Grants (S.D.S.U.), 1983, 1984, 1986, 1987, 1989, 1990, 1991   

Fulbright Travel Grant, 1984

Outstanding Young Men of America Award, 1980

Summer Fellowship, San Diego State University, 1978

Presidential Mini-Grant, San Diego State University, 1977  (awarded for Innovative Teaching Project, "A Living  Writers Series" )

University of Illinois Research Fellowship, 1969-70, 1971-71

Doctoral Support Grant (Univ. of Illinois), 1969-73.


Some Other Frequency: Interviews with Innovative American Authors.   Philadelphia, PA: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1995. [Includes my general introduction and interviews with Kathy Acker, David Antin, Paul Auster, Lydia Davis, Ken Gangemi, Marianne Hauser, Lyn Hejinian, Harold Jaffe, Richard Kostelanetz, Clarence Major, Derek Pell, Gerald Vizenor, and William T. Vollmann; each interview also includes a critical introduction and selected bibliographies.]

Interviews from Some Other Frequency: that have previously appeared:

"An Interview with Kathy Acker," Mississippi Review 20, 1&2 (1991): 83-97.Mississippi Review 20, 1&2 (1991): 49-62.

"An Interview with Harold Jaffe," Pacific Review, Spring 1992, pp. 19-32.

"An Interview with Kathy Acker," Shift,  6, 1 (1992): 30-34.

"Reading the Body: An Interview with Kathy Acker," Mondo 2000, 4 (Fall, 1991): 72-77.

"An Interview with Marianne Hauser," (with Sinda Gregory), Mississippi Review, 20, 1&2 (1992): 120-130.

"An Interview with Ken Gangemi," (with Sinda Gregory),. Mississippi Review, 20, 1&2 (1992): 63-75.

"An Interview with William T. Vollmann."  Positive  (Tokyo), 1 (Spring 1991): 230-247.

"An Interview with Mark Leyner."Positive  (Tokyo), 1 (Spring 1991): 210-229.

"An Interview with Mark Leyner, "Mondo 2000, 5 (Winter  1992), pp. 48-60.

"An Interview with Harold Jaffe," Central Park, 12, 3 (Spring 1993): 54-71.

"An Interview with Harold Jaffe," in Larry McCaffery,  Avant-Pop: Critifictions, Reviews, Interviews and other Commentaries on Postmodernism(s) (Tokyo: Chikuba Shobo Publishers, 1994), pp. 174-194.

"An Interview with William T. Vollmann," Mondo 2000,  Fall 1992.

"An Interview with William T. Vollmann," Review of Contemporary Fiction--Younger Authors Issue, (Summer 1993):

"An Interview with Richard Kostelantetz."  Atticus Review, 20(Spring 1991): 1-38.

"An Interview with Larry McCaffery," by Lewis Shiner, Mississippi Review, 20, 1&2 (1992): 155-167.

"Headwaters: An Interview with Gerald Vizneor" (With Tom Marshall), Chicago Review 39, 3/4 (1994): 50-54.

"I Follow My Eyes: An Interview with Clarence Major" (with Jerzy Kutnik). African American Review --Special Clarence Major Issue 28, 1 (Spring 1994): 121-138; rpt. by U.S. Information Agency Outreach Program, New Delhi, India, 1994;  in  Bernard Bell, ed., Clarence Major  and his Art (Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 2001), pp. 77-98; and in Nancy Bunge, ed., Conversations with Clarence Major, Oxford, MI: University of Mississippi Press, 2002.

Avant Pop: Critical Essays, Collaborations with and Commentaries on Postmodern American Literature and Popular Culture .  Tokyo: Chikuba Shobo Publishers (Tokyo), Spring 1995.  Contents include Japanese translations of "Everything Is Permitted: New Cartography's for the Post-Pynchon, Postmodern American Fiction," "White Noise/White Heat: The Postmodern Turn in Rock Music," "Cutting Up: Punk, Cyberpunk and Urban Decontextualizations,"  William Gibson and Bruce Sterling: A Virtual Conversation with Larry McCaffery and Sinda Gregory," "And Still They Smooch: Erotic Visions and Re-Visions in Contemporary American Fiction," "An Interview  with Kathy Acker," "Cyborg Buddhism or Do Salaryman Dream of Cyborg Buddhism?" (with Sinda Gregory and Takayuki Tatsumi),""Interview Found on a Floppy Disc: Some Reflections of 'Processed Narratives' and David Blair's Wax, or the Discovery of Television Among the Bees," ""This Always Wanting to Be Immortal: Interview with Steve Erickson," "Towards the Theoretical Frontiers of 'Fiction': From Metafiction and Cyberpunk Through Avant-Pop (with Takayuki Tatsumi), and "Avant-Pop 101."

Across the Wounded Galaxies: Interviews with  Contemporary American Science Fiction Authors.  Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1990. [Includes my general critical introduction, as well as interviews I conducted with: Gregory Benford, William S. Burroughs, Octavia  Butler, Samuel R. Delany, Thomas M. Disch,William Gibson, Ursula Le Guin, Joanna Russ, Bruce Sterling, and Gene Wolfe.  Each individual interview also includes critical introductions.]

Interviews in Across the Wounded Galaxies  which have appeared separately:

"An Interview with William S. Burroughs," Fiction International 18:1 (Spring 1988): 59-74; rpt in Allen Hibbard, Conversations with William S. Burroughs, pp. 171-195; rpt. as :ÓThe Non-Body ProjectÓ in Sylvere Lotringer, ed. William S. B urroughs Live, 1960-1997: The Collected Interviews of Wlliam S. Burroughs (Brooklyn: Semiotext(e),.2001), pp. 670-690.

"An Interview with William Gibson," Mississippi Review  47/48 (1988): 217-236; Rpt. in Larry McCaffery, Storming the Reality Studio: A Casebook of Cyberpunk and Postmodern Science Fiction (Durham, N.C.: Duke University Press, 1991).

"An Interview with Gene WolfeÓ' Science Fiction Studies  15 (November 1988), 334-355.

"The Semiology of Silence" (based on an interview with Samuel R. Delany), Science Fiction Studies 14:2(July 1987), 134-164; rpt., "An Interview with Samuel R. Delany," Mega  2 (Moscow, 1991), 1-2, 45-51; and in Samuel R. Delany, Silence Interviews: On Language, Race, Sex, Science Fiction, and Some Comics.  Hanover, NH: Wesleyan University Press, 1994, pp. 21-58.

Storming the Reality Studio: A Casebook of Cyberpunk and  Postmodern Science Fiction.  Durham, N.C., Duke University Press, 1991. [Includes my critical introduction, "The Desert of the Real," as well as my essays, "Cutting-Up: Punk, Cyberpunk and Urban Decontextualizations,"   "Cyberpunk 101" (with Richard Kadrey), and my "Interview with William


Articles from Storming the Reality Studio which have appeared separately:

"An Interview with William Gibson," Across the Wounded Galaxies, pp. 130-150.

"Ein Gesprach mit William Gibson."  In Michael Nagula, ed., Atomic Avenue.Munich: Heyne Bucher, 1990459-485.

"Cyberpunk 101: A Schematic Guide to Postmodern Science Fiction" (with Richard Kadrey), Interzone #51 (December 1991), pp. 44-47.

"Deserto del Real" (Italian translation of "The Desert of the Real"),  in Nicolliso Pogglio, Cyberpunk  (Milan: Editrice Nord, 1995), pp. iii-xvii. 

"Cyberpunk: Una Guida Schematica" (Italian translation of "Cyberpunk 101: A Schematic Guide to Postmodern Science Fiction" [with Richard Kadrey]), in Nicolliso Pogglio, Cyberpunk  (Milan: Editrice Nord, 1995), pp. xviii-xxxii.

"Cutting-Up: Punk, Cyberpunk and Urban Decontextualizations," in George Slusser and Eric Rabkin, Eds., Flights of Fancy: Armed Conflict in Science Fiction and Fantasy (Athens, Ga. University of Georgia Press, Fall 1992).

Alive and Writing: Interviews with American Authors of the 1980s (with Sinda Gregory).  Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1987.  [Includes Gregory's and my general introduction, plus interviews we conducted jointly with:  Walter Abish, Max Apple, Ann Beattie, Raymond Carver, Samuel Delany, Barry Hannah, Russell Hoban, William Kennedy, Ursula Le Guin, Thomas McGuane, Tom Robbins, Ron Silliman, Edmund White; each interview also includes a critical introduction.]

Interviews from Alive and Writing which have appeared separately:

"An Interview with Barry Hannah," Conjunctions  5(1983), 193-205.

"A Conversation with Ann Beattie," The Literary Review 27:2(Winter 1984), 165-177.  Excerpts reprinted. in Contemporary Literary Criticism.  Detroit: Gale Research Co., 1991;  in Jaye Berman Montresor, Ed., The Critical Response to Ann Beattie.  Detroit, Greenwood Press, 1992; and in "A Conversation with Ann Beattie," in Janet Witalec, ed., DISCovering Authors Series, Detroit: Gale Research Inc.,1997.

"An Interview with Ursula Le Guin," The Missouri Review 7:2(1984), 64-85.

"An Interview with Max Apple," Mississippi Review 13: 1/2 (1985), 9-32; and in Justin Karr, ed., Short Story Criticism 50.  Detroit: Gale Research, 2002. 

"An Interview with Edmund White," Mississippi Review 13:3(1985), 9-27.

"The Art of Fiction LXXXIX: Interview with Thomas McGuane," The Paris Review 97(Fall 1985), 34-71."

An Interview with Samuel R. Delany" [Russian translation].Mega #2 (Moscow), Sept. 1992, pp. 2-3, 45-51.

"An Interview with Raymond Carver," Mississippi Review 14:1 (Fall 1985), 62-82.  Rpt. in Conversation with Raymond Carver, ed. Marshall Bruce Gentry.  Jackson, Miss: University of Mississippi Press, 1990, pp. 98-116; "En Esta Vida Post-Alcholica: Entrevista con Raymond Carver," Quimera  70/71 (Barcelona: Montesinos Publishers), 52-59; "An Interview with Raymond Carver" in Raymond Carver: A Study of the Short Fiction, Ewing Campbell, Ed., Twayne's Studies in Short Fiction Series, No. 31, New York: Twayne Publishers (1992), 98-114;"; An Interview with Raymond Carver" in Syvan Barnet, Morton Berman, and William Burto, Eds, Introduction to Literature. NY: Harper Collins, 1992; in Barnet, Berman, and Burton, eds., Thinking, Reading, and Writing Critically. NY: Harper Collins, 1996;  excerpts from the interview have appeared as ÒTalking About StoriesÓ in Shorr and Melrose, Prentice Hall Guide Book for Creative Writers (20001), pp. 194-197, and in Barnet, Burio, Cain, and Stubbs, Literature for Composition, forthcoming Addison, Wesley Longman, July 2002.

"An Interview with Tom Robbins," Contemporary Literary Criticism #64. Detroit: Gale Research Co. Spring 1992, pp. 374-78.

Anything Can Happen: Interviews with Contemporary American Novelists (with Tom LeClair).  Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1983.  [Includes LeClair's and my general introduction, plus interviews I conducted with: Donald Barthelme, Robert Coover, E. L. Doctorow, Raymond Federman, John Irving, Diane Johnson, Steve Katz, Tim O'Brien, and Ronald Sukenick; each interview also includes a critical introductions.]

Interviews from Anything Can Happen  which have appeared separately:

"An Interview with John Irving," Pacific Review 8:2(Fall 1980), 71-75.

"An Interview with John Irving," Contemporary Literature 23:1 (Winter 1982), 1-18.

"Robert Coover on His Own and Other Fictions," Genre 14:1(Spring 1981), 45-64. [Rpt. in Novel vs. Fiction, ed. Jackson I. Cope and Geoffery Green (Norman, Okla.: Pilgrim Books, 1981), pp. 21-37; in Contemporary Fiction (Detroit: Gale Research Co., 1987), pp. 87-99; and in Robert Coover's Short Fiction, ed. Thomas Kennedy.  Boston: Twayne/G.K. Hall, 1991.]

"An Interview with Donald Barthelme," Partisan Review, 49:2(Summer 1982), 184-193;   in Barbara L. Roe, ed., Donald Barthelme: A Study of the Short Fiction.  New York: Twayne, 1992, pp. 100-102; and in Contemporary Literary Criticism,, Vol 115 (Detroit: Gale Research, 1999).

"Talking About The Shining with Diane Johnson," Chicago Review, 33:1 (Summer 1981), 75-79.

"Interview with Tim O'Brien," Chicago Review 33:2 (Winter 1982), 129-149.

"An Interview with E. L. Doctorow," in E. L. Doctorow: Essays and Conversations, ed., Richard Trenner (Princeton, N.J.: Ontario Review Press), pp. 31-47; ÒA Spirit of Transgression,Ó in Conversations with E. L. Doctorow, ed. Christopher D. Morris (Jackson, Miss., University of Mississippi Press, 1999), pp. 72-87.

"A Conversation with Tim O'Brien," in Dictionary of Literary Biography: Documentary Series 9: American Writers Writers of the Vietnam War.  Detroit, Gale Research Co., 1992.

The Metafictional Muse: The Works of Robert Coover, Donald Barthelme and William H. Gass.  Pittsburgh: The University of Pittsburgh Press, 1983.

Articles from The Metafiction Muse  which have appeared separately:

"Donald Barthelme, Robert Coover, and William H. Gass: Three  Checklists," Bulletin of Bibliography 31 (July-Sept. 1974), 101-106.

"Donald Barthelme's Snow White: The Aesthetics of Trash," Critique 16 (April 1975), 18-32.[Rpt. in Contemporary Literary Criticism, Vol. 5 (Detroit: Gale Research Co., 1976), pp. 55-57; and Essays on Donald Barthelme, ed. Richard Patterson.  Boston: G.K. Hall, 1991.]

"The Art of Metafiction: William Gass's Willie Masters' Lonesome Wife," Critique 18 (August 1976), 21-35. Rpt. Mark Currie, ed., Metafiction, NY: Longman Critical Readers, 1995, pp. 181-193.

"A William H. Gass Bibliography," Critique 18(August 1976), 59-66.

"Robert Coover's Cubistic Fictions," Par Rapport 1 (Winter 1978), 33-40.

"Meaning and Non-Meaning in Barthelme's Fictions," The Journal of Aesthetic Education 13:1 (January 1978), 69-80; excerpted in Barbara L. Roe, ed., Donald Barthelme: A Study of the Short Fiction.  New York: Twayne, 1992, pp. 122-126.

"Donald Barthelme and the Metafictional Muse," Sub-Stance, 27 (1980), 75-88.

"Robert Coover's Fiction," Studies in Short Fiction (Detroit: Gale Research Company, 1994): 34-42.

 ÒDonald BarthelmeÕs Short Fiction,Ó Short Story Criticism, Vol. 2 (Detroit: Gale Research, 1989, pp. 41-43.


Raymond Federman: A to X*X*X*XÑA Recyclopedic Narrative  (with Thomas Hartl and Doug Rice).  San Diego, San Diego State University Press, 1998.  Includes the following previously unpublished entries, articles, and commentary I wrote for the volume:

ÒArt de FaktÓ, pp. 25;ÒRaymond FedermanÕs And I Followed My ShadowÓ pp. 22-24;ÒChronology for Raymond FedermanÑAn Historical FictionÓ pp.57-77;ÒCloset in a (Dark) Tokyo Room,Ó pp. 77-78;ÒCyrano of the English DepartmentÓ, 89-94;ÒEpistolary FictionÓ 116-17;ÒI didnÕt know English!ÑFragments from a Conversation with Raymond Federman)Ó, pp.155-57;ÒList of Recommendations for Those Who Are Not Directly Involved in This Tale,Ó pp. 183-84;ÒFlann OÕBrien,Ó p 237;ÒOn the Road (Not Taken) with Raymond FedermanÕs TAKE IT OR LEAVE IT,Ó pp. 241-248;ÒRe-double or Nothing,Ó pp. 305-6;ÒGertrude Stein,Ó p. 327;ÒRonald Sukenick,ÓÒ330-31;ÒBoris Vian,Ó p. 368.

The Vineland Papers:  Critical Takes on Pynchon's Novel (with Geoffrey Green and Donald Greiner).  Chicago, Il.: Dalkey Archieve Press,1994.  

Postmodern Fiction: A Bio-Bibliographical Guide.  Westport, Ct.: Greenwood Press, 1986.  My critical introduction has been reprinted in Carol Ullman, ed.  Literary Movements for Students.  Detroit: Gale Group,  2003.

[This is a major reference volume (605 pgs.) which I edited and selected all the materials and authors for.  It includes my general introduction,my entry on Robert Coover, and my comprehensive bibliography.  The contents of the volume include 15 overview essays dealing with various topics central to postmodern fiction and over 100 individual author entries, each of which also includes a selected bibliography.]


After Yesterday's Crash: The Avant-Pop Anthology.   New York: Penguin, 1995.  Includes "Still Life After Yesterday's Crash" (15 pg. critical introduction).  Italian translation: Schegge dÕAmerica: Nuove avanguardie letterarie .  Rome:  Fanucci, 1998.  Includes my 15 pg. critical introduction written for the Italian edition and also my schematic guide to Avant-Pop, ÒAvant-Pop 101.Ó  Japanese translation: Tokyo: Kodansha, forthcoming, Summer, 1999.  Includes my 15 pg. critical introduction written for the Japanese translation, "Avant-Pop, or the Cultural Logic of Late Capitalism."

Avant-Pop: Fiction For a Daydream Nation   Normal, Il.: Black Ice Books, 1993. Includes, ÒTsunamiÓ (my critifictional introduction).  Italian translation: Avant-Pop: Racconti per una natione che sogna a occhi aperti. Milan: Shake Editizioni, 1997.


Robert CooverÕs The Public BurningÑSpecial double issue of Critique: Studies in Contemporary American Fiction. My contributions to the issue include my general introduction, a new interview conducted with Coover for the issue, and a comprehensive bibliography of primary and secondary sources relating to The Public Burning (done with Prof. Ly Bell, Brown University).

American Book Review--ReissuesJune-July 1999.  Includes my introduction.

The Review of Contemporary Fiction: Postmodernism in Japan (with Sinda Gregory and Takayuki Tatsumi), forthcoming, Spring 2002.

American Book Review: 2 Part Avant-Pop Issue. August-September and October-November 1996.

Subaru Monthly (Tokyo).  Avant-Pop Series.  This 6-part series appeared from 1993-95 and featured my selections of avant-pop fiction and individual critical  introductions which included: "Tsunami: Riding the Literary Wave of American's Avant-Pop Phenomenon," October 1993, pp. 239-246; "(Self)-Portrait of the Female Artist as a Young Insect," December 1993, pp. 205-207; "An Avant-Pop-Quiz," February 1994, pp. 120-124; "Avant-Rap!--The Fiction of Ricardo Cruz," April 1994, pp. 145-149; "An Avant-Party of Horror: Stephen Wright's 'Get Happy,'" October 1994, pp. 301-307; "A Dangerous Journey: William T. Vollman's 'The Best Way to Smoke Crack,'" February 1995, pp. 276-280.

The Review of Contemporary Fiction.  Younger American Authors: William T. Vollmann,  Susan Daitch, and David Foster Wallace, .  Double Issue.  Winter 1993.  Includes my interviews with Vollmann (pp. 9-24), Daitch (pp. 68-82) and Wallace (pp. 127-150).

         Interviews from RCF Younger American Authors Issue: that have been reprinted:

ÒAn Interview with David Foster Wallace.Ó Contemporary Literary Criticism #68. Detroit: Gale Research Co. Spring 1998, pp. 267-294.

ÒInterview  with William T. Vollmann,Ó in Contemporary Literary Criticism.  Detroit: Gale Research Co., 1996.

ÒInterview  with Susan Daitch,Ó in Student Resource Center, Vol. 1A  (Detroit: Gale Research Company, 2000).

Postmodern Culture. Postmodern Fiction Issue: .  Spring 1993.  Included my 30 pg general introduction, "The Final Measurement."

Critique: Studies in Contemporary Fiction.  Postmodern Science Fiction.  1992. Included my General Introduction.

Fiction International. Pornography, Obscenity and Censorship  (double issue, co-edited with Harold Jaffe and Melvin Freiclicher), 1991.

Fiction International: Third World Women's Writing (co-edited with Harold Jaffe), 1989.

Mississippi Review: The Cyberpunk Controversy (double issue).  1988.  Included my general introduction, "The Desert of the Real: The Cyberpunk Controversy."

American Book Review: Contemporary Science Fiction (special focus) 10 (January/February 1990).

Fiction International: Recent Central American Writing (co-edited with Harold Jaffe), 1986.

American Book Review: Recent Books on Baseball  (special focus). 1986.

Fiction International: Writing and Politics  (double issue; co-edited with Harold Jaffe), 1985.


ÒBorn to Ruin: Fragments from an Abandoned Prefatory Commentary about Doug RiceÕs Skin Prayers.  Introduction to Doug Rice Skin Prayers. Juarez and El Paso: Incuabula Press, forthcoming 2002.

ÒPortrait of the Artist as a Young Manic-Depressive, or Journey to Chaos Theory as the First Principle of a New Realist Literary Aesthetic: An Epistolary Drama in Four Acts.Ó  The Journal of Experimental FictionÑRaymond Federman Special Issue 23 (Spring 2002): 275-348.

ÒDust DevilÓ (critifictional introduction).  In Michael Hemmingson, ed., What the Fuck: The Avant-Porn Anthology.  NY:Soft Skull Press, 2001, pp.i-xi.

ÒOn the Road (not Taken) with Raymond FedermanÕs Take It or Leave It (critifictional introduction).  For Raymond Federman, Take It or Leave It (Normal, IL: FC2, 1996), pp ii-xii.

ÒAvant-Pop: Still Life After YesterdayÕs CrashÓ (introductory critical assemblage).  For Larry McCaffery, ed., After YesterdayÕs Crash.  NY: Penguin, 1995, pp ix-xxi.

"Cyberpunk 101: A Schematic Guide to Postmodern Science Fiction" (with Richard Kadrey).  In Nicolliso Pogglio, Cyberpunk  (Milan: Editrice Nord, 1995), pp. iii-xvii and  xviii-xxxii.

"13 Ways of Looking at a Post-Post-Modernist Aesthetic Phenomenon Called ÔAvant-Pop.ÕÓ In Mark Amerika and Lance Olsen, eds., In Memoriam to Postmodernism: Essays on the Avant-Pop   San Diego: San Diego State University Press, 1995, pp. 32-50.

"Ms. Found on a Floppy Disc: Some Reflections of David Blair's Wax or the Discovery of Television Among the Bees. A Sign-Processed Hypertextual Critical Narrative." Noboddies 1, 1 (1994): 7-27. 

"Towards the Theoretical Frontiers of 'Fiction:' From Metafiction and Cyberpunk through Avant-Pop" (with Takayuki Tatsumi), SF Eye. 12 (Summer 1993):43-50.

ÒTsunamiÓ (critifictional introduction).   For Larry McCaffery, ed., Avant-Pop: Fiction for a Daydream Nation (Normal, IL: Fiction Collective, 1993), pp. 15-31.

ÒThe Velvet Rims of Derek PellÕs X-Textual ÔHot RodÓ  (critifictional introduction).   For Derek PellÕs X-Texts.).  Brooklyn: Autonomedia/Semiotext(e), 1993, pp. 7-18.

"Towards an Aesthetic of 'The Aesthetics of Trash'--A Collaborative, Auto-Deconstructive

ÒCutting Up: Cyberpunk, Punk Music and other Urban DecontextualizationsÓ (critical assemblage).  In Larry McCaffery, ed., Storming the Reality Studio.  Durham: Duke University Press, 1991, 286-307.

ÒLarry McCaffery's 'The Aesthetics of Trash: Donald Barthelme's Snow White. '" The Review of Contemporary Fiction--Donald Barthelme/Toby Olsen Number, 11, 2 (Summer 1991): 36-49.

"An Editorial Collaboration with Robert Coover's 'Party Talk," Delta: Special Robert Coover Issue 28(June 1989), 117-132.  An expanded versions of this essay appeared as "The Recognitions: An Editorial Collaboration with Robert Coover's 'Party Talk'" in Fiction International 18:2(1989), 176-189.

"The Artists of Hell: Kathy Acker and 'Punk' Aesthetics." In Breaking the Sequence: Women's Experimental Fiction , ed. Mariam Fuchs and Ellen Friedman.  Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 1989, pp. 215-230.

"The Fiction Collective, 1974-1978: An Innovative Alternative," Chicago Review, 30 (1978), 102-115.


ÒHaunted House: An Interview with Mark DanielewskiÓ (with Sinda Gregory).  Critique: Studies in Contemporary Fiction, forthcoming Fall 2002.

ÒThe Invention of Chance: Paul AusterÕs Fabulous RealismÓ  Panic Americana [Tokyo], 4 (2001): 32-42.

ÒWhite Noise: Die postmoderne Wende in der Rockmusik.Ó  Littre International 52 (Spring 2001): 90-94.

ÒTowards an Aesthetic of Postmillennial Writing: Mark DanielewskiÕs House of Leaves.Ó  Panic Americana  5([Tokyo] Fall 2000): 34-38

ÒAn Interview with Robert CooverÓ (with Sinda Gregory). Critique--Special Issue devoted to Robert CooverÕs The Public Burning  October 2000, pp. 3-28.

"This Always Being on the Verge of Becoming: An Interview with Ted Mooney"  (with Larry McCaffery), Revista Canaria de Estudios Ingleses‑Special Issue: The Making of Contemporary American Fiction, ed., Manuela Brito 39 (November 1999): 231-250.

ÒIn the Naming,Ó American Book Review  21, 3 (March-April 2000), p.4.

ÒThe 20th CenturyÕs Greatest Hits: the 100 Greatest English Language Books of the 20th Century,Ó 21, 1American Book Review 6 (Winter 2000), p. 3, 16.

ÒThe 20th CenturyÕs Greatest 100 English Language Books, Panic Americana [Tokyo] 3, 1 (1999):: 8-20.

ÒBringing Up Baby: The Avant Pop Controversy,Ó American Book Review 19,3 (March-April 1998):: 3.

"At the Heart of Things Darkness and Wild Beauty: An Interview with Rikki Ducornet" (with Sinda Gregory), The Review of Contemporary Fiction--Rikki Ducornet Special Issue 18, 3 (Fall 1998): 126-144.

ÒCyborg Buddhism, or Do Salarymen Dream of Cyborg BuddhistsÑAn Interview with AZZLO (AKA: Yumi and Shinji Yamazaki),Ó Fiction International  30,2 (Fall 1997): 22-30.

"This Always Wanting to Be Immortal: Interview with Steve Erickson," Contemporary Literature, 38, 3 (Fall 1997): 395-421.

ÒAvant-Pop 101,Ó American Book Review, 18, 1 (October-November 1996), 1, 4, 6, 8, 10.

ÒAvant-Pop, or Reconfiguring the Logic of Hyperconsumer Capitalism,Ó American Book Review, 17, 6 (August-September 1996), 1, 12.

"Avant-Pop in America and Japan, The  Rising Generation (Tokyo), 141, 7 (October 1995): 352-356.

"13 Ways of Looking at  Avant-Pop," Alt-X, Fall 1994 (on-line--no pagination). 

"Storming the Floating World,"  American Book Review 16, 1 (April/May 1994), p. 3.

"An Interview with Paul Auster," (with Sinda Gregory), Contemporary Literature, 33, 1 (Spring 1992): 1-23. Rpt  as "Conversation avec Larry McCaffery et Sinda Gregory," in  Paul Auster's L'Art de la Faim. (Paris: Actes Sud, 1992), pp. 259-300; "An Interview with Paul Auster," The Study of Current English#10, October 1993), pp. 26-29.

An Interview with Susan Daitch," Review of Contemporary Fiction--Younger Authors Issue, summer1993,pp.

"An Interview with David Foster Wallace," Review of Contemporary Fiction--Younger Authors Issue , summer1993,pp.   

"An Interview with Paul Auster," (with Sinda Gregory), Mississippi Review  20, 1&2 (1992): 1-24.

"An Interview with Lewis Shiner," in Critique--Postmodern Science Fiction Issue, 23, 3 (Spring 1992), 177-198."

"Avant-Pop: Postmodern American Art in the 90s." American Notes and Queries: Special Issue--American Fiction of the 1990s, Fall 1992. 

"An Interview with Jack Williamson," Science Fiction Studies  18 (Spring 1991), 34-54,

"An Interview with Richard Kostelantetz."  Atticus Review, 20(Spring 1991): 1-38.

"White Noise/White Heat: The Postmodern Turn in Rock Music,' American Book Review 12:1 (March/April 1990), 4, 27; expanded version appears in Genre  12 (1990): 55-71.

"The Texts of Our Realities: Fiction in the U.S. During the 1980s" (translated into Japanese as "Amerika shosetsu ni okeru saikin no doko," monograph, Meiji University [Tokyo] Monograph Series "American Literary Studies," Spring 1990).

"The Desert of the Real: The Cyberpunk Controversy" Mississippi Review 16:2/3(Fall 1988), 7-15.

"Twisted Longings: Terry Allen's Juarez," American Book Review 10(March/April 1988), 3.

"And Still They Smooch: Erotic Visions and Re-Visions in Postmodern American Fiction," Revue Francaise D'Etudes Americaines, 20 (May 1984), 275-288.

"Style in William Eastlake's Southwestern Novels: Personal Visions and Digressions," The Review of Contemporary Fiction , 3, 1 (1983): 31-41.

"Interview with Raymond Federman," Contemporary Literature  24 (Fall 1983), 285-306.

"Stanley Elkin's Recovery of the Ordinary," Critique 21, 2 (1979), 39-51.

"The Gass-Gardner-Debate: Showdown on Mainstreet," The Literary Review 23, 1(Fall 1979), 134-144.

"Death Kit: Susan Sontag's Dream Narrative," Contemporary Literature, 20, 4 (Autumn 1979), 484-499.

Clarence Major's Reflex and Bone Structure and the Anti-Detective Tradition" (with Sinda Gregory), Black American Literature Forum, 13, 2 (Summer 1979), 39-45.

"Contemporary Fiction: Some Assistance in the Pick-Up," Pacific Poetry and Fiction Review, Spring 1979, 123-138.

"A Thomas McGuane Bibliography," Bulletin of Bibliography 35 (October-December 1978), 169-172.

"The Fiction Collective," Contemporary Literature 19(Winter 1978), 99-115.

"Absurdity and Opposition in William Eastlake's Fiction," Critique, 19 (Fall 1977), 62-76.

"An Interview with William Eastlake," South Shore" An International Review of the Arts, 1 (Fall 1977), 41-65.

"Stanley Elkin: A Bibliography," Bulletin of Bibliography 34(April-June 1977), 73-76.

"Thomas McGuane: On Turning Nothing into Something," Fiction International, 4-5 (December 1975), 147-153.

"Robert Coover and the Magic of Fiction Making,' Fiction International, 4-5 (December 1975), 123-129.


ÒAn Interview with Ronald Sukenick.Ó  In Mathew Roberson, A Ronald Sukenick Casebook.  Albany: SUNY-Albany Press, 2002, 6-28.

ÒÔÕI Follow My EyesÓ: An Interview with Clarence MajorÓ (with Jerzy Kutnik).  In Bernard Bell, ed., Clarence Major  and his Art (Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 2001), pp. 77-98.

ÒAn Interview with David Foster Wallace.Ó Contemporary Literary Criticism #68. Detroit: Gale Research Co. Spring 1998, pp. 267-294.

ÒAn Interview  with Yoriko ShonoÓ(with Sinda Gregory).  In Yoriko Shono, Time Warp Complex and Other Stories.  Tokyo:  Kodansha, 1998, pp. 166-178.

ÒThe Desert of the Real: The Cyberpunk Controversy.Ó  In Steve Pasechnik, David Shaw, B. Diane Martin, eds., Readercon 10 .  Boston: Readercon Publications, 1998, pp. 98-102.

"Deserto del Real" (with Richard Kadrey) and "Cyberpunk: Una Guida Schematica"[Italian translations of "The Desert of the Real"  and  "Cyberpunk 101: A Schematic Guide to Postmodern Science Fiction"]).  In Nicolliso Pogglio, Cyberpunk  (Milan: Editrice Nord, 1995), pp. iii-xvii and  xviii-xxxii.

"The Art of Metafiction: William Gass's Willie Masters' Lonesome Wife." In Mark Currie, ed., Metafiction, NY: Longman Critical Readers, 1995, pp. 181-193.

ÒThe Semiology of Science: The Science Fiction Studies InterviewÓ (with Sinda Gregory).  In Samuel R. Delany, Silence Interviews: On Language, Race, Sex, Science Fiction, and Some Comics.  Hanover, NH: Wesleyan University Press, 1994, pp. 21-58.

"Ms. Found on a Floppy Disc: Some Reflections of David Blair's Wax or the Discovery of Television Among the Bees. A Sign-Processed Hypertextual Critical Narrative." In Richard Lyons, ed., Virtual Futures (London: Routledge, 1996).

ÒInterview with Paul Auster.Ó  In Paul Auster, The Red Notebook.  London: Faber & Faber, 1995, pp. 116-154.

"The Avant-Pop Phenomenon.Ó  In Mark America and Thomas Irmer, eds.,  An  Avant-Pop Casebook.  Leipzig, forthcoming, Fall 1995.

"Bruce Springsteen: Nothing But Road."  In Yoshiaki Sato, ed. Rock  101:/Rock Handbook .  Tokyo: Shinshokan, 1995, pp. 159-163.

"13 Ways of Looking at a Post-Post-Modernist Aesthetic Phenomenon Called ÔAvant-Pop.ÕÓ In Mark Amerika and Lance Olsen, eds., In Memoriam to Postmodernism: Essays on the Avant-Pop   San Diego: San Diego State University Press, 199, pp. 32-50.

ÒEin Interview mit Raymond Federman.Ó In Falsche Dokumente (Leipzig: Reclam Leipzig, 1993), pp. 287-304.

"Interview with Ronald Sukenick and Raymond Federman." In Autobiographie & Avant-garde, ed. Alfred Hornung and Ernstpeter Ruhe.  Tubigen (Germany): Gunter Narr Verlag Tubingen, 1992, pp. 431-445.

ÒThe North-American Novel at the Quenticennial Moment.Ó  In Raymond Leslie Williams, ed.,  The Novel in the Americas.  Boulder, CO: University of Colorado Press, 1992, pp.  56-76.

ÒThe Velvet Rims of Derek PellÕs X-Textual ÔHot RodÓ  (Introduction for Derek PellÕs X-Texts.).  Brooklyn: Autonomedia/Semiotext(e), 1993, pp. 7-18.

"Ein Gesprach mit William Gibson."  In Michael Nagula, ed., Atomic Avenue.Munich: Heyne Bucher, 1990, pp. 459-485.

"The Artists of Hell: Kathy Acker and 'Punk' Aesthetics." In Breaking the Sequence: Women's Experimental Fiction , ed. Mariam Fuchs and Ellen Friedman.  Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 1989, pp. 215-230.

"The Fictions of the Present."  In The Columbia Literary History of the United States ,ed. Emory Elliott.   New York: Columbia University Press, 1988, pp. 1161-1177.

"Form, Formula, and Fantasy: Generative Structures in Contemporary Fiction."  In Bridges to Fantasy, ed., George E. Slusser, Eric Rabkin, and Robert Scholes.  Carbondale, Il.:Southern Illinois University Press, pp. 21-37. [Excerpted in Contemporary Fiction (Detroit: Gale Research Company, 1987), pp.  74-86. ]

"Introduction" to American Made: Stories from the Fiction Collective.  New York: Fiction Collective, 1986, pp. 1-14.

"Introduction" to Jerzy Kutnik, Performance and Writing: The Fiction of Raymond Federman and Ronald Sukenick.  Carbondale, Il.: Southern Illinois University Press, 1986, pp. 1-10.

"Jonathan Baumbach."  In Dictionary of Literary Biography. Detroit: Gale Research Company, 1980, pp. 36-48.

"Jerry Bumpus" (with Sinda Gregory).  In Dictionary of Literary Biography.  Detroit:  Gale Research Company, 1981, pp. 168-175.

"Thomas McGuane." In Dictionary of Literary Biography 1980.  Detroit, Gale Research Company, 1981, pp.487-481.

"William H. Gass."  In Dictionary of Literary Biography.  Detroit: Gale Research Company, 1978, pp. 190-196.

"Robert Coover." In Dictionary of Literary Biography.  Detroit: Gale Research Company, 1978, pp. 106-121.


ÒWhite Noise: Die postmoderne Wende in der Rockmusik.Ó  Littre International 52 (Spring 2001): 90-94.

ÒThe Invention of Chance: A Dialogue between Larry McCaffery and Takayuki Tatsumi.Ó  Panic Americana 4, 1 (November 1999): 32-42.

ÒPaul Auster: A Writer of ObessionsÓ (with Takayuki Tatsumi), Eureka: Poetry and Criticism [Tokyo], 23, 1 (December 1998): 164-181.

"Bruce Springsteen: Nothing But Road."  In Yoshiaki Sato, ed. Rock ' Roll 101.  Tokyo: Chicuba Publishers,       1995, pp. 137-143.

"13 Ways of Looking at an Aesthetic Phenomenon (i.e., Avant-Pop)," Chelsa Hotel(W. Germany), 8, 3 (Fall 1995): 34-39.

ÒAn Interview  with Yoriko Shono.Ó  In Yoriko Shono, Time Warp Complex and Other Stories.  Tokyo:  Kodansha, 1998, pp. 166-178.

ÒAn Interview with Yetseko Tetsui,ÓRevue de la Pensee dÕ AujourdÕ Hui (Tokyo) 23, 11 (1995): 130-139.

"Deserto del Real" (with Richard Kadrey) and "Cyberpunk: Una Guida Schematica"[Italian translations of "The Desert of the Real"  and  "Cyberpunk 101: A Schematic Guide to Postmodern Science Fiction"]).  In Nicolliso Pogglio, Cyberpunk  (Milan: Editrice Nord, 1995), pp. iii-xvii and  xviii-xxxii.

"Post-Mongrelization, Postmodernism: A Hyper-Interview with William Gibson and Bruce Sterling" (with Larry McCaffery and Brooks Landon).  In  Larry McCaffery, Avant Pop: Critical Essays, Collaborations with and Commentaries on Postmodern American Literature and Popular Culture. (Tokyo: Chikuba Publishers, 1995): 164-178..

"A Dangerous Journey: William T. Vollman's 'The Best Way to Smoke Crack,'" The Subaru Monthly, February 1995, pp. 276-280.

"13 Ways of Looking at an Aesthetic Phenomenon (i.e., Avant-Pop)," Chelsa Hotel(W. Germany), Fall 1995, PP. 16-19.

"Avant-Pop in America and Japan,Ó The  Rising Generation (Tokyo), 141, 7 (October 1995): 352-356.

"Bruce Springsteen: Nothing But Road."  In Yoshiaki Sato, ed. Rock  101:/Rock Handbook .  Tokyo: Shinshokan, 1995, pp. 159-163.

"Avant-Pop Arrives at the Speed of Sound: A Dialogue with Larry McCaffery.  Asahi Shimbun (Tokyo, evening edition), 18 July 1995, p. 2.

"Avant-Rap!--The Fiction of Ricardo Cruz," The Subaru Monthly, April 1994, pp. 145-149.

"An Avant-Party of Horror: Stephen Wright's 'Get Happy,'" The Subaru Monthly, October 1994, pp. 301-307.

"Avant-Pop, Apres-Pop: An Interview with Masaio Shimada,"  Eurkea 26, 6 (1994): 132-141.

"An Avant-Pop-Quiz," The Subaru Monthly, February 1994, pp. 120-124.

"Postmodernist Interactions between Japanese and American Art and Culture," Subaru  10 (January 1993): 262-274.

 "Larry McCaffery Talks About America's Postmodern Culture of Cyber(Drug)Ism," Wombat (Tokyo), 3 (Winter 1993): 168-177.

"Conversation avec Larry McCaffery et Sinda Gregory." In  Paul Auster's L'Art de la Faim. (Paris: Actes Sud, 1993), pp. 259-300.

"An Interview with Samuel R. Delany" [Russian translation], Mega #2 (Moscow, 1993), pp. 2-3, 45-51.

"Larry McCaffery Talks About Avant-Pop."  Asahi Daily News, Features Column, Sept. 12 and 19 1993 , Sec III, p. 1-2, 1-3 .

"To Objectify Myself to Explore My Own Subjectivity: An Interview with Paul Auster," The Study of Current English#10, October 1993), pp. 26-29.

"Ms. Found on a Floppy Disc: Some Reflections of David Blair's Wax or the Discovery of Television Among the Bees. A Sign-Processed Hypertextual Critical Narrative,"  Hermes (Tokyo), 45 (1993): 1-8, 115-127.

"Tsunami," Subaru Monthly (Tokyo), 10 (October 1993):  226-238.

"Tsunami: Riding the Literary Wave of American's Avant-Pop Phenomenon," Subaru Monthly (Tokyo), 10 (October 1993):  239-246.

ÒEin Interview mit Raymond Federman,Ó in Falsche Dokumente (Leipzig: Reclam Leipzig, 1993), pp. 287-304

"(Self)-Portrait of the Female Artist as a Young Insect," The Subaru Monthly, December 1993, pp. 205-207.

"Manifesto for Avant-Pop"  SF Adventure's "Avant-Pop" issue (September 1992), p. 3-4.

"An Interview with Samuel R. Delany" [Russian translation], Mega #2 (Moscow, 1992), pp. 1-2, 45-51.

"Conversation avec Larry McCaffery et Sinda Gregory," in  Paul Auster's L'Art de la Faim. (Paris: Actes Sud, 1992), pp. 259-300.

ÒBiely hluk, biela ziara" [Bulgarian translation of "White/light, White Heat: The Postmodern Turn in Rock Music"] Kulturny Zivot , 9 September 1991.

"Poslowie: Susan Sontag's Death Trip.  Afterword to Polish translation of Susan Sontag, Death Trip.  Warsaw: Panstwowy Instytut Wydawniczy, 1989, pp. 349-367.

"Ein Gesprach mit William Gibson" (German translation of "An Interview with William Gibson").  In Atomic  Avenue, ed., Michael Nagula.  Munich: Wilhelm Heyne Verlag, 1990, pp.459-485.]

"Everything Is Permitted: The Post-Pynchon, Post-Modern Fiction of America."  Positive (Toyko), 1 (Spring 1991): 248-267. 

"An Interview with William T. Vollmann."  Positive  (Tokyo), 1 (Spring 1991): 230-247.

"An Interview with Mark Leyner."  Positive  (Tokyo), 1 (Spring 1991): 210-229.

"Raymond Federman im Gesprach mit Larry McCaffery" (German translation of "An Interview with Raymond Federman") in Schreibheft Zeitschrift fur Literatur 31 (May 1988), 49-57.

"Guilty Pleasures, de Barthelme y Los Peligros de la Taxonomia" (Spanish translation of "Barthelme's Guilty Pleasures and the Perils of Taxonomy").  In La Novela Postmodernista Norteamericana: Nuevas Tendencias Narrativas, ed. Enrique Garcia Diez and Javier Coy Ferrer Madrid: Soiceidad General Espanola de Libreria, S.A., 1986, pp. 209-220.

"Wywiad z Johnem Irginisem" (Polish translation of "An Interview with John Irving").  In Literatura Na Swiecie, 4, 177 (1986), 242-254.

"Wywiad z Donaldem Barthelme'em przel" (Polish translation of "An Interview with Donald Barthelme").  In Literatura Na Swiecie, 1, 150 (1984), 120-31.


ÒÓFaking LiteratureÓ [Rev. of K. K. RuthvenÕs Faking Literature].  Modernism/Modernity, Spring 2002: 200-202.

ÒQueen of the JungleÓ [Rev. of William T. VollmannÕs The Royal Family]. San Diego Union Book Review,13 August 2000, pp. 1, 4.

ÒInfinite JestÓ [Rev. of Mark DanielewskiÕs House of Leaves]. San Diego Union Book Review, 26 March 2000, pp. 1, 4.

ÒWalk on the Wild SideÓ [Rev. of Ronald Sukenick and Curtis White, eds., Into the Slipstream].  San Diego Union Book, 7 November 1999, p. 3.

"The Mask Behind the Mask" [Rev. of Jerzy Kosinski's The Hermit of 59th Street]. Washington Post Book World, 10 July 1988, pp. 1, 9.

"Foregone Inconclusions" [Rev. of Gilbert Sorrentino's Misterioso]. Los Angeles Times Book Review

"Nobody's Instrument--Jerzy Kosinski" [Rev. of Paul R. Lilly, Jr.'s Words in Search of Victims: The Achievement of Jerzy Kosinski and Barbara Tepa Lupack's Plays of Passion, Games of Chance: Jerzy Kosinski and His Fiction].  Contemporary Literature, 31, 4 (Winter 1990), 564-569.

"Errant Mom Hits the Road" [Rev. of Mary Robison's Believe Them]. New York Times Book Review, 31 July 1988, p. 12.

"Shut Tight the Memory Bag" [Rev. of Robert Merkin's Zhombie Jamboree]. New York Time Book Review,  3 August 1986, p. 16.

"Shapely Art" [Rev. of Wayne Stegel's The Shape of Art in the Short Stories of Donald Barthelme].  American Literature, October 1986, 461-463.

"Talking His Way to the Top" [Rev. of Alasdair Gray's The Rise and Fall of Kelvin Walker].  New York Times Book Review, 21 December 1986, p. 7.

"Exotic, Erotic and Crazed" [Rev. of Robert Kelly's A Transparent Tree]. New York Times Book Review, 15 September 1985, p. 18.

"Lusty Dreamers in the Suburban Nightmare" [Rev. of T. C. Boyle's Greasy Lake and Other Stories].  New York Times Book Review ,9 June 1985, pp. 15-16.

"Postmodern American Fiction" [Rev. of  Charles Caramello's Silverless Mirrors: Book, Self and Postmodern American Fiction ]. Contemporary Literature, 26, 4 (Winter 1985), 486-491.

"Painter, Forger, Miser, Spy" [Rev. of Robertson Davies' What's Bred in the Bone,]. New York Times Book Review, 15 December 1985, p. 18.

"American Fiction of the 60s,"  [Rev. of Manfred Putz's The Story of Identity].  Contemporary Literature,   (Spring 1981), 253-257.

"John Barth's Letters and the ÔLiterature of Replenishment.'Ò Chicago Review, 31, 4 (Spring 1980), 75-82.

"Surfiction" [Rev. of Raymond Federman's Surfiction]. Contemporary Literature, 18 (Spring 1977), 250-254.

"The Hermetic Whore" [Rev. of Peter Spieldberg's The Hermetic Whore], American Book Review 1 (Spring 1978), 14-15.

"New Rules of the Game" [Rev. of Raymond Federman's Take It or Leave It]. Chicago Review, 29 (Summer 1977), 145-149.

"Literary Disruptions: Fiction in a 'Post-Contemporary Age,'" [Rev. of Jerome Klinkowitz's Literary Disruptions], Boundary 2, 5 (Fall 1976), 137-152.

[Note: I have also published over 100 other books reviews in such places as the San Diego Union Book Review, Chicago Tribute Book Review, San Diego Reader, Pacific Review, Arete: The Journal of Sports Literature]


Lance Olsen, ÒAvant-Pop, Critifiction and Other Critical Positions: An Interview with Larry McCaffery,Ó Paradoxa, 4, 11 (1998): 584-608.

Nina Garin, ÒTramps like us, baby, we were born to criticize.Ó  San Diego Union Book Review.  17 October, 1999, p. 4.

Lance Olsen, ÒInterview with Larry McCaffery.Ó  In Lance Olsen, Rebel Yell: A Short Guide to Fiction Writing.  San Jose, Cambrian Publications, 1998, pp. 13-14.

Tom Leifer, ÒLiving  with the Beast: An Interview with Larry McCaffery.Ó  Sniper Logic 4 (Winter-Spring 1996): 134-142.

Yoshiaki Koshikawa, "Avant-Pop Arrives at the Speed of Sound: A Dialogue with Larry McCaffery.  Asahi Shimbun (Tokyo, evening edition), 18 July 1995, p. 2.

Jack Foley, ÒLetter from the Avant-Pop Front.Ó  Poets and Writers, March/April 1994, pp. 21

Takayuki Tatsumi, "Larry McCaffery Talks About Avant-Pop."  Asahi Daily News, Features Column, Sept. 12 and 19 1993 , Sec III, p. 1-2, 1-3

Takayuki Tatsumi, "Avant-Pop and the Brown University 'Unspeakable Practices Literary Festival," The Subaru Monthly, August 1993, pp.220-232.

Achilles Heal.  ÒThe Brand Name What-If-I-Screamed-Real -Loud? School of Literature: Black Ice Authors.Ó  The San Diego Reader 2 June, 1993, p. 74.

Takayuki Tatsumi, "Surfing the Media-Generated Tsunami: Larry McCaffery Talks About the 'Avant-Pop' Phenomenon."  Subaru  (Tokyo) 11 (November 1992): 262-275.

Lewis Shiner, "An Interview  with Larry McCaffery."  Mississippi Review 20, 1&2 (1992): 166-188.

Hinako Seicki, ÒAvant-Pop--What?  A Dialogue with Larry McCaffery." SF Adventure (Tokyo), September 1992, pp. 21-27.

Stuart Aiken, "Doing a Good Job: Manifesto for Avant-Pop" (Interview ).  The Study of Current English (Tokyo)  October 1992, pp. 34-39.

Rick Mears.  "Larry McCaffery Talks About America's Postmodern Culture of Cyber(Drug)Ism." Wombat (Tokyo), Winter 1992, pp. 168-176.

"Missionary of Cyberpunk: A Conversation with Larry McCaffery."  Switch (Tokyo), 1989.

Takayuki Tatsumi, "Larry McCaffery."  In Cyberpunk America.  Tokyo: Keiso Books, 1988, pp.255-273.


Federman, A to X-X-X-X--A Recyclopedic NarrativeCam Tatham, Paradoxa, 4, 11 (1998): 609-11.

Some Other Frequency: Interviews with Innovative American Fiction Writers:  Brian Evenson, Paradoxa 4, 11 (1998): 608; Matthew Roberson, Postmodern Culture, 14, 2 (1998), n. p.

After YesterdayÕs Crash: Scott Buckatman, ÒAgain the Postmodern Packrat.Ó  Science Fiction Studies 23 (1996): 133-5; Steve Moore, The Review of Contemporary Fiction. :246-7; Michael Hemmingson, ÒLooking for a Few Good Conspiracies.Ó Q Zine: A Rocket to the Unknown  2,  2 (1996): 43-4; Madison Smart Bell, Spin Magazine.  October 1995, p. 76; Richard Kadrey, Wired , February 1996, p. 141.

Review of Contemporary Fiction Younger Writers Issue: Joseph Coates, "An Extraordinary Edition of an Extraordinary Review," Chicago Tribune, Tempo (Book Section), 24 June 1993, p. 1

Storming the Reality Studio: John Fekete, "The Post-Liberal Mind/Body, Postmodern Fiction, and the Case of Cyberpunk SF" (Essay /review). Science Fiction Studies, 1992): 395-403; Neil Baron, "Cyberpunk/Post-Modern Perspectives.Ó  SF Newsletter. 199 (July/August/September 1992): 46-48; Gary Westfahl, Extrapolation 34, 2 (June 1993): 188-91;

Outposts; Lance Olsen, "Tonguing the Zeitgeist,Ó Mondo 2000  7 (1993), pp. 102-103; Gerald Gardiner, "More Bloody Asterisks."  City Limits (London), p. 4-7.

Across the Wounded Galaxies: Kathryn Cramer, "From Inner Space to Outer LimitsÓ (also discusses Storming the Reality Studio ),Washington Post Book World. 23 Feb. 1992, p. 10; Lance Olsen, "Guru of the InterviewÓ American Book Review, (August/September 1990), p. 1;  Ishtvan Csicery-Ronay. Science Fiction Studies   (1994 ):  ;

Alive and Writing: Wendy Smith, The New York Times Book Review.; Klinkowitz, Jerome.  American Literary Scholarship

Anything Can Happen: Jerome Klinkowitz, American Literary Scholarship; Jack Fuller, Chicago Tribune Book World


Fiction Judge.  2001 Contest sponsored by the Electronic Literature Association.  I also wrote the Judges Commentary which explained the basis of my choice. 

Faculty Advisor, Pacific Review, 1979, 2000, & 2001..

Conference Director, Science Fiction Research Association Annual Meeting, Summer 1986, San Diego State University.

Faculty Advisor, Phi Beta Sigma, 1978-1983.

Author of bi-weekly "Sports of All Sorts" column for the San Diego Reader, March 1977 until October 1978.


ÒWhat Electronic Literature IsnÕtÓ (Paper read).  Electronic Literature Organization Conference, Annual Conference, UCLA, April 2002.

ÒCritifiction: Re-Thinking Critical Discourse in the Age of Postmodernism,Ó (Paper read).  SUNY-Buffalo, April 1996.

"Storming the Floating Worlds of America's Society of the Spectacle."  (Paper read).  American Literature Society of Japan, Annual Conference.  Keio University, Tokyo, June 1995

"Interactions Between Japanese and American Postmodernism."  (Paper read).  Nagoya University Contemporary Fiction Conference,  Nagoya (Japan), July 1995.

"Bruce Springsteen: The Ghost of Tom Joad: Rock Music and the Legacy of 30s Populism."  (Paper read).  Tokyo University Lecture Series, June 1995

"Re-Visions of Vietnam in American Popular Culture."  (Paper read).  Meijii University American Studies Conference, July 1995.

"Re-booting the Reality Program: Reconstructive Approaches to Pop Culture in Contemporary American Fiction." (Paper read).    Tokyo Christian Women's University.  July 1995.

"The Evolution of Avant-Pop Aesthetics."  (Paper read).  Illinois State Literary Festival.  Ill. State Univ.-Normal.  October 1995.

"On Jazz, Rock, the Beats and other Roots of the Avant-Pop Aesthetic."  (Paper read).  University of Colorado-Boulder Lecture Series, October 1995. 

ÒThe Death of the Death of the Avant-Garde.Ó (Paper read).  University of California-Berkeley.  Literature Department Lecture Series, November 1995.

Alternative Art in an Age of 'Alternative Art': Towards an Aesthetic of Avant-Pop.  (Paper Read).  New Fiction Conference, SUNY Buffalo, March 1994.

Avant Pop (paper read).  New Narrative Conference.  Brown University, April 1992.

"Cyberpunk and Postmodern American Science Fiction" (paper read as Guest of Honor), VOLGA-CON 91: A Conference of Cyberpunk and Recent Soviet Science Fiction, Volgograd, U.S.S.R., 9-91.

Greil Marcus: The Postmodern Turn in Recent Rock Criticism" (paper read).  Midwest Modern Language Association, Chicago, November 1991).

"Storming the Reality Studio: A Brief History of the Cyberpunk University" (paper read), Symposium on Cyberpunk and Postmodern American Culture, Detroit Museum of Art, Detroit, 11-90.

"Playing the Postmodern Interview Game: A Collaborative Interview with Raymond Federman and Ronald Sukenick" (paper presented and live interview conducted with Federman and Sukenick), International Conference on Postmodernism and Autobiography,  Mainz, W. Germany (sponsored by Germany Society of American Studies), 6-90.

"The Fictions of the Present" (paper read), The Novel of the Americas in the1980s: Dialogue and Direction--An International Symposium, UC-Colorado/Boulder, Boulder, 9-89.

ÒImages of Vietnam in American Pop Culture," (paper read), Meiji University (Tokyo), American Studies Seminar Series, May, 1989.

"White Light/White Heat: The Postmodern Turn in Rock Music, or Why John Zorn Spends Half of Each Year in Tokyo" (paper read).  The Japanese Society of American Studies International Conference (Tokyo), May 1989.

"Playing the Postmodern Interview Game: Towards An Aesthetic of the Interview as Postmodern Discourse" (paper read), Tokyo Denki University Seminar Series, May 1989.

"Night City: Cyberpunk Science Fiction and Punk Rock as Urban  Decontextualizations" (paper read), Keio University (Tokyo): American Studies Reading Series, May 1989.

"Fiction for the 90s: The Post-Pynchon, Postmodern American Fiction" (paper read), Tokyo Women's University Lecture Series, May, 1989.

"Nite City: A Journey into Cyberpunk's Postmodern Urban Landscape" (paper read), The Sixth Annual International Conference on Literary Theory, Hong Kong University, Hong Hong, 12-88.

"Cutting Up the Urban Experience: Punk Music and Cyberpunk" (paper read),the Eaton Conference: Third World Presentations of American Dystopias, UC-Riverside, Riverside, CA. 4-88.

"Post-Postmodernism: Visions and Revisions," Gerald H. Butler Conference on Postmodern American Fiction, SUNY-Buffalo, 2-81.

"Postmodernism Revisited" (panel Discussant), Brown University's Special Conference on Iconoclastic Fiction and Postmodernism, Providence, R.I., 3-88.

"Kathy Acker's 'Punk Aesthetics'" (paper read),Special Topics Seminar on Experimental Fiction by Women, National MLA Meeting, New York, 1986.

Chair and Discussion Leader of panel on "J.D. Salinger's Use of Sports Metaphors," National American Studies Association Meeting, San Diego, October 1985.

"Two-way Streets: Latin and N. American Fictional Interactions" (paper read), Special Topics Session on N. and S. American Fiction, National MLA Meeting, Chicago, 12-84.

"Dystopian Visions in Contemporary American Music: The Velvet Underground, Laurie Anderson, and Talking Heads," American Studies Society of Italy Annual Meeting, Rome, 6-84.

"Form, Formula and Fantasy: Generative Structures in Contemporary Fiction" (paper read), Eaton Conference: Towards a Theory of Fantasy, UC/Riverside, 2-80.

"Barthelme's Guilty Pleasures and the Perils of Taxonomy" (paper read), Special Topics Session on Donald Barthelme, National MLA Meeting,San Francisco, 12-79.

"The Self-Beholding Eye: Stanislaw Lem's Metafictional Strategies" (paper read), National Popular Culture Association Meeting, Pittsburgh, 4-79.

"The Metafictional Muse" (paper read), Seminar on Postmodern American Fiction, German/American Association of American Studies Meeting, Gummersback, W. Germany, 6-78.

"The Fiction Collective: Literary Perspectives" (paper read), Special Topics Session on The Fiction Collective, National MLA Meeting, San Francisco, 12-79.

Chair and Discussion Leader of the Seminar on the Fiction of William Gass and Stanley Elkin, MLA Meeting (National), Chicago, 12-77.

"Stanley Elkin's Language Games" (paper read), Seminar on the Fiction of Gass      and Elkin, Chicago National MLA Meeting, 12-77.

"Barthelme's Language Games," (paper read), Donald Barthelme Seminar, National Modern Language Association Meeting , San Francisco, 12-75.

[Note: I have also presented many other lectures in various other universities throughout the U.S. and in Italy, Germany, Japan, France, China, Hong Kong, the Soviet Union, and Poland.]