S P I N E L E S S  B O O K S

From the Editor's Skull

The Editor's Skull.


A lot of people come up to me and say "Hey, whattaya mean 'Spineless'? And when are you going to publish a book?"

Well, October 1st is when, but it's really hard to explain the future to some people. I mean the times are changing more rapidly then ever. The E-book revolution still hasn't taken off because who wants a computer that lets you read but not write? We don't. In the future, you'll be able to fit all of literature on the head of a pin and translate it all into the dialect and format of your choice by twitching an eyelash. In fact, by the time we publish our first book, maybe the future will already have happened, so for that reason we are looking seriously into publishing in stone. The future of publishing is moving too fast for us to catch up with, and, though we like the present, it is unfashionable compared to the future, and not nearly as memorable as the past. Trouble is, it's hard to find a distributor for stone tablets. Nevertheless, barring any placement in bookstores or libraries, we can always just drop them into the sea or set them in parks. We'd like people to be literally tripping over our books for millennia to come. A good read will keep you up all night, but a sprained ankle hurts for weeks.

The future of publishing is in diet & exercize DVDs.

But we're making art anyway.


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