S P I N E L E S S  B O O K S

From the Editors’ Skulls

The Editor's Skull.

Punk Poetry Publisher Manifesto

William Gillespie

0. The purpose of independent publishing is to behave ethically.

1. Publishing is the fine art of respectfully amplifying select artists’ intentions.

2. Avoid the literary community—a well-trampled path is slippery mud.

3. Avoid email lists. Don’t be more junk.

4. Let a well-done website and good work be the primary means of promotion.

5. Print mail promotion should be mail art in its own right.

6. Avoid those who appeal to your vanity or insecurity.

7. Avoid anything that makes you angry, unless confrontation is unavoidable; in the case of confrontation, act decisively, resolutely, and without emotion to defend your interests.

8. Make the best books you can finish without hurting yourself or others, nothing else matters.

9. Remember that the writing/literary establishment (“sending stuff out”) is a construction of lies designed to disempower writers by subjugating their work to commerce, entertainment capitalism, and academic politics.

10. Don’t work the internet: do good work on the internet and trust it will reward you (don’t worry about hit counters, wikipedia, google rankings, facebook, myspace, digg, etc, etc, etc).

11. In all ways, behave as though you are setting lasting standards for an ideal world.




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