D next we hear from irwo schlays on the topic of government for all
W ®Tis a glorious & beautiful room to be working in
All we've heard tonight
Mr. Sattershwaite and the consul are not doing their jobs
now we've been asked many times
you people get staffs
of four five three
each one of you need a staff to
take care of some of these
continually continuing
and I don't know why they're continuing
why is it that every problem
so we can't go skiing
mudslide, why maybe we'd slide into the sangamon
go all the way down to
new orleans
right, joe?
okay, folks
when are you going to do something mr. Satterthwaite?
I heard
very good tonight
you didn't saythat tonight
So we are turning the tide
we are gonna get through
& my dear Mrs. Huth & I
are going to have many conferences on
how this thing is gonna be turned around
let's start right out there
with the east end of town
do you folks know how long those things have been nothing but pebbled roads
and before they were pebbled roads they were mud roads
and the oldest part of town
and yet when you go out there
so you can go down on glover street
get the garages ready for the school district
why didn't we go out there four miles an hour
three or four miles
why does it make a difference where you've got a garage
take the
what difference does it make?
why do you take property away from people
who can use it to advantage for this community
do you think there would be a better scholastic system here
with what we're doing for our kids by having that bus there
we're worrying about tax money
but that's the way everybody looks at it
if you each had a staff of three or four
you would be finishing. Finishing finishing
not digging deeper holes. Deeper holes
for someone to fall in
but that's the way everybody looks at it
now how are we going to get this done?
the mayor wants nothing done except what he wants done
he's not gonna do it. why should he?
a cushy job
he don't have to work
does he work?
I doubt that myself
except for his own benefit
now I don't want the rest of you people to
assume that
is a good thing for this city
because far be it from [clears throat]
it being a fact
so what am I going to get done here on this council floor
every Friday night
it's better t
what the hell does he think he's talking about
if you guys wanna know, you ask jack waller
you're not talking right
another lawyer, another lawyer
he made himself judge, jury, and prosecuting attourney
what is that called?
You've got those
People who look over things and say
What is that bureau we have here?
Oh I'm getting so old I'm starting to forget things I always used to know [pound
get right
joe, are you listening sir?
thank you
okay. Now. what I'm trying to get across to you
we have the building
check everything check everything
well [clears throat obscenely] my good friend you and I will walk down that
railroad ditch
and see the flow see the flow
where do you see the water around town
where do you see a flow of water downtown
the sewers, but we don't see
look at the flow of water downhill
and where did it come from?
this was soapy water
going past the ballfield
on the other side of
university. East of¾ broadway
going down that and where'd it go to?
right behind the peoples' house there
where the ditch goes east
and where did it come from. Where do you think it came from?
How would you like to tell me
all the way down on the corner of lincoln and
can you imagine that?
soapy water in a ditch
can you imagine that?
these are little joking situations but
a joke has got to be compounded to make a scoundrel
D Excuse me, Mr. Ochey?
W Ma'am.
D I think that we're going to have to get the next edition at another meeting
W Thank you very much.
D Thank you. Thank you for coming.