NEWSPOEM 8 JANUARY 1996 RISE IN SUICIDE AMONG ELDERLY PREDICTED1980-1992 saw a 9% rise in the suicide rate among people ages 65 and older, a rate which has only fallen since 1940. That's understandable you see, the elderly suffer from a high degree of illness (and unaffordable health care) and social isolation which can be attributed (more to the fact that they are not valued by society than) to the fact that many elderly men are widowers or have failed to achieve career goals. (irrelevantly) The 65 and older age group is the fastest growing population in the U.S. (and one of the populations whose existence is the most threatened by the slashing of all relevant government expenditure in favor of the military) and its suicide rate is expected to continue to increase. (as is the general rate of attempted suicide in America but) The elderly have an unusually high success rate.