Mark Enslin's headphones Eclectic

October 25, 2000

Bethany Cooper came down to the station. We talked about the Three-Two Festival, Kaaija Saariaho, timbre, and Bethany's piece, which we played, and also the first movement of Maa. I also played pieces from the Three-Two concert by Rick Burkhardt, Susan Parenti, Mark Enslin, and Chris Mann, rounding them out with compositions by Herbert Brun taken from his Mutatis Mutandis CD. The Chris Mann, I felt, suffered from the quality of the recording - a bootleg captured directly to minidisc by Joe Futrelle - because it wasn't clear that Chris Mann was being unintelligible on purpose. So I didn't play all 15 + minutes, instead shifted gears abruptly when Peter Miller dropped by, and played a song by the Db's. Then I read a recent newspoem, Peter announced the upcoming trial, and we wished Paul Kotheimer a happy birthday. Thanks Bethany! Thanks Joe! Thanks Peter! Thanks for listening!

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